Thursday, March 12, 2009


2005_ferrari_f430_manu_07 Be careful driving in the wet season, because rainfall is down a lot of the drivers of vehicles must be extra careful and ready to water or even flooding. You need to remember is not the car you drive amphibi able to run into the water as any. But you also need not fear if forced to go through water up to a knee adults.
Below are some driving tips in the rainy season that need to be:

  1. Brake device.
    When the device is still using the vehicle brake system Tromol, after the flood, you do not forget to tread brake lever repeatedly to use your brakes to dry again Tromol not reduce the power works. For when the vehicle run into a flood, brake components are part of the water submerged. If the wet brake Tromol the power of a reduced or absent altogether. Therefore Tromol brake should always dry.
  2. Note the cable plug and distributor.
    Do not leave them exposed to water. However, when the sprayed water as well, you just blow-dry with the dust. That must be maintained, lest the water into the intake manifold. If this occurs, can be broken-down machine and you must issue a lot of cost to fix.
  3. Indeed, many drivers do not observe the rubber-rubber cover this deck. Rubber installed under the carpet that serves as a barrier so that water did not dampen the car floor, There is not one you look back one by one. If that is damaged or loose, I immediately changed course. It seems trivial but if water is entering cabin, which also bothered you.
  4. Check back the electricity system in all corners of your vehicle. The meaning is, you should check that all cable connections exfoliate. Connector is loose or open, fast disolder again. Who knows after repair audio systems, sure to tidy up your cable-cord connection.
  5. If the water to seep into the cabin on a cable connection, and can evoke a short relationship (korsluiting) who decided fuse for electric circuit. Check the electrical system you can do in your own spare time. While the rain has not come down again, so no one's done now.
  6. To pass the road that stagnant water, you must be confident and believe in themselves. Enter the gear teeth to a position and press the gas slowly until the needle point lap engine number 3000 rpm. Do not you tread gas repeatedly. This is only the fan will suck air in the engine number of lots. If the fan to suck up the water, the effect will be dangerous for the engine. You also do not need to worry if the discharge of water entering the channel (exhaust).
    Yet if we turn on the machine, water hose shoved out by waste gas.

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